One Forest Hill

开发商:North Drive Investments Inc
建筑物类别:High Rise
入住日期:Dec, 2020
物业管理费:$0.98 / sq ft / month
位置:Forest Hill
地址:1 Forest Hill Road
Toronto Ontario  M4V 2L3


One Forest Hill Condos is a new condominium development by North Drive currently in pre-construction located at 1 Forest Hill Road, Toronto in the Forest Hill neighbourhood with a 88/100 walk score and a 87/100 transit score. One Forest Hill Condos is designed by Richard Wengle Architect Inc. and will feature interior design by Gluckstein Design. The project is 12 storeys tall and has a total of 43 suites. Suites are priced from $2,250,000 to $6,000,000.

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New Condos